Monday, May 18, 2009

A little water in the hole.....


Today, the excavator operator dug a test hole for the septic to see what we would find for material. We were afraid that we would hit a shallow water table due to the swamp that is near by. What we found was about 3' of silty sand and about 3' of clay below that, we did not go any deeper. There was a little bit of water draining into the hole from inbetween the silty sand layer and the clay layer. It only amounted to about a 2 gallons of water over about 6hrs of time passing. I am no expert on dirt work at all so I am not sure if this is classified as a water table or not. I do know that the best case scenario would have been sand or gravel for the septic. What we did find is about what we were expecting but probably not the worst case scenario. Mark, the owner of the excavation company was not there today, and he is the expert on the matter so I will know a little more tomorrow. My limited understanding on septics says that you need 6' deep of good drainage for a conventional septic, so we may need to go with a mound system, which I believe can cost up to $15000-20000 dollars. Again I am just speculating, I will know more tomorrow.

We met with the architectural committee last night for the first time and they were much more gracious that we had expected. They approved with the continuation of the project, but they still want to vote on our exterior colors and shingles, the deck, and the shed.


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