Saturday, July 18, 2009

Setting window, getting ready to start the wiring...

Here is the latest picture, I have running ragged trying to get all the mechanical done. I had over looked a few things like the bathroom fan vents, fire place vent, boiler vent, range vent, dryer vents, etc... Some of these could have been done after the fact, but it is nicer for installing the siding to have those vents already popped out, and you have to have the ones that go through the roof done prior to the roofers starting. The roofers will start on Wed. of next week, the excavation guy will be coming back on Monday to do the finish grade, hook up the well, and widen the driveway a little bit.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The trusses have arrived!


The trusses arrived yesterday and here is some shots of that. They completed setting the trusses and now they have some hand framing to do to tie all the hips and valleys into eachother before they start sheeting. The framing crew is planning on working through the weekend so they can finish up mid-next week. We are going to try to get the roofing crew in around Thursday. We are going to be using the 30 year architectural asphault shingles.

The plumbing is dragging out a little longer than what I was hoping. I am working on the gas line right now, I still have the dryer vent, oven vent, fireplace vent, boiler vent, and the HRV vents to run. My plan is to have that stuff wrapped up by Monday and start on the electrical.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

more plumbing, heating, and ventilation


Turns out that the trusses wont be ready until next week, which is ok as long as the rain holds off while I work on the plumbing. I finished the DWV system, and now I am almost finished with the HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator) system. If you ever do build a home for yourself and you are trying to decide what parts of the project to do yourself, I recommend installing the HRV system yourself, it is very easy to install.

Here is some pics, above is the work bench, got the laptop to keep ups with the stock market, and I also store health food in this area.

Below is some of the mechanical work that I have done over the last couple of days.

Angie is getting closer to getting the kitchen all picked out including the appliances, countertops, cabinets, and flooring.