Monday, June 22, 2009

too many directions to go...

Here is a picture of progress up to today, the framers got slowed down by the terrential rain that we had, but they should still be ready for trusses by Wednesday. Unfortunately, the trusses wont be ready until next week, so we will have a little down time on the framing. That is ok because I have PLENTY of work to do in the mean time. If you notice that concrete entry way going up to the house, yeah that is a major time consumer for me, mostly just on designing it. There wasn't a detail for how this was supposed to be built, so I am kind of designing it as we go.

Here is a picture of a glue lamb getting set. That guy has a flesh colored harness on with a sky colored lanyard, safety matters on my job!

We are to a point on the job where there is a lot of different directions that I could go, and it is kind of overwelming. I could do plumbing, heating, ventilation, electrical, work on the entry way, plan some of the interior finish work, do material take-offs, get ready for the siding, etc.....

Angie and I are spending a couple of hours each night planning our project out, she is picking out everything and she wants my opinion on it all. (I cant imagine why, I have horrible taste!)



  1. I dont know why the words get vertically alligned down the side of the pictures that I post. I am not purposely doing that, when I have time I will figure it out. Maybe I will need to use smaller pictures.
